Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Triffids invade!

Almapaprika has taken to calling our new 'children' triffids. The Butternut squash seeds I planted last Saturday in little coir pellets have not only already grown taller than the tallest of the chilli peppers we've planted this season, but have also protruded their roots so far out that they ended up intertwined, though each pellet was separate at a distance of about 1 inch from the next.

All of this in one week!

I've had to move them to 3 inch pots until they outgrow them (at this pace, it will be in another week).

I did bring two of them to work, as gifts for two colleagues who had tried to grow sunflower seeds but not succeeded. I did warn them, though, that the Butternut Squash will grow and overtake their desks if they aren't careful and move them somewhere adequate.

Then it really will turn into a triffid fest! I can just see the office as one lush jungle of climbing, creeping, crawling vines, ensnaring anyone foolish enough to walk up to them and say: 'Ooh! a Butternut Squash!'

Maybe it's all part of my devious plan...

None of Aji Queen's seeds have germinated, but I expect them to soon. If the weather picks up as it has the last few days, it should be good growing.

The chillies at work are doing well, though the smaller ones (Belpicen, Caribbean Red and Orange Habanero) seem not to be doing as well as their 'counterplants' back at the flat.


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