Thursday, 19 March 2009

The Mysterious case of the 'Duplicating Daddy'

Yes, I have been watching the BBC TV show about the Number one Women's Detective Agency in Botswana...Almapaprika likes it, and to be honest, it is a welcomed distraction from the bleak and dreary news which encapsulates the daily hum drums of our lives.

Africa seems downright enjoyable in the TV show. And I'm sure if it is anything like 'Aji Chombo Land' it must be outright Faboo! (those of you who do not know where 'Faboo' comes from should ask the Warner Brothers).

But I digress...

The title of the entry today has more to do with the solving of a recent mystery that had both Almapaprika and I stumped. We were on our walk home last Friday when we were passed by the 'daddy' of one of my co-workers, running to catch a bus. We continued down the same road, and about 150 yards after, we saw the same 'daddy' running past us...


...but we had just seen him trying to catch a bus...

...going in the opposite direction...

...two 'daddies'?

Surely not.

After I spoke to my friend, she said she would ask her 'daddy' about it. Well, the answer arrived today. It seems the 'daddy' was trying to catch the bus we saw him running towards first, but was unsuccessful (bus was full). For some strange reason, he crossed the road, and ran back down, as he spotted another bus that had space a stop BEFORE the one we'd seen him at.

But he missed the bus at that stop, and was running back to the original bus stop where we spotted him at to catch the bus (there is an intersection in between, so if a 'daddy' runs fast on the red light, they may be able to catch the bus).

All problems solved, and another case closed by the Number One Chilli Detective Agency in 'Aji Chombo Land (UK Office)'

On the Chilli front, all of the plants are enjoying the week of sunshine and high temperatures. The Rocoto Rojo seedling, which is at home, has had to be tied to a small pole (OK, a pencil), because it's too lanky. I took a photo with the ol' phone cam, but then forgot the USB cable...

I have lost one of the Black Cubans to mold which developed on the seed (the little seedling's leaves just couldn't break out of the seed. Like little bald bean stalks.) Will probably have to 'intervene' with another of the Black Cubans before the same thing happens...


But will talk about it when they arrive next week.

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