Almapaprika was having a grand ol' time last night complaining about the 'Fashion Mag' (there's an oxymoron for you) she'd bought, and rightfully so. The magazine (Elle, if I remember correctly), was choc full of everything except what you'd expect from a mag: articles.
I mean she sped through the first 45 pages (out of a 120 page 'Super sized issue') which consisted of (big ominous musical score here...) ADS!
For crying out loud!
Is Shakespeare's tongue dead and buried?
Is there so much competition for writer's bringing you news that 'Black is the new black for winter 2010', or '20 NEW great sex tips on how to drive him wild! (based on the number of issues with that title over the past decade, men should by now be useless sex puppets of a benevolent matriarchy united under the flag of COSMOPOLITAN), that they have to resort to entertaining women with images of (insert snooty french accent) 'Wafer thin' women wearing just enough cloth to cover 1/2 of a CD. The garments (if you'd like to call them that) will range (apparently) from the spendy (£2,000 for a pair of shoes), to the Thrifty (£250 for a practically identical pair of shoes).
What planet do these people live in??
I can understand the occasional (mind you, I define occasional as 'something I would only do once, maybe twice a year) splurge because we need a pick-me-up, but some people LIVE the delusional world of these magazines. The French riviera can only accommodate so many, folks...
They say the current economic downturn did not happen because of people overspending and creating a global climate where the average person was in more debt than they could manage...
...but after perusing through this 'fantasy world of make believe' fashion, I can only surmise that if we take the combined debts of all those who not only 'read' these mags for their informative articles (calm down, Aji Chombo. People have a right to spend their hard earned money [hang on, they buy all this rubbish on credit! It's not their money to begin with!] however they wish [fine. So long as they don't join a picket line and start shouting 'save the poor hungry children of lower lesser hungrystan' right after they've left the shopping centres with thousands of £££ or $$$ worth of useless waffle!]) but also buy thanks to their 'thrifty' recommendations there probably would be NO recession.
But I digress.
I moved some of the chillies to the top of our dresser this morning, so they can get a full blast of sunshine (they need it. I don't think they are getting sufficient sunshine). It WAS sunny this morning, but now it seems that might have been it for the day. Plus we're getting sleet mid week...yay!
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