This has been a strange week...
Protests (see the top photo. That was at my uni. I could go on a very long talk about the current discussions debate [well, about 150 year old ideological debate] between the sciences and the arts, but to cut a tree into a shrub, the head capsicum at the university wanted to get rid of three, and possibly more, academic departments because they were underperforming. He's been known at previous universities for doing this sort of thing. What he got was a massive protest from the students that would be directly affected by this. Go students! This is what happens when Academic Institutions become Academic Businesses...), elections, candidates with 'ill advised names' (seriously folks, not knowing your nickname is a 'racist' term does not excuse you from saying 'well, everyone knows me as that.' Take some BLINKING responsibility for the fact that you may end up offending some because you ended up with a rubbish nickname that takes a step back some 200 years in the race and equality fight for people in the UK and in the US. But I digress...), and coursework.
Wow! That first parragraph was quite the rant.
Must have been all that chocolate I just had (get it now, folks, before the tax arrives. What a load of rubbish. Tax Chocolate. Bah! Just because doctors are told they cannot be straightforward with people and say 'Sorry, Mr. Wilson, you are suffering from high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and parts of your skin have become gangrenous because YOU ARE FAT! Not just FAT, smaller and less dense fat people have been caught on your gravitational pull, and orbit around you! There is a cloud made of M&M's and Skittles orbitting around you which if seen from a distance makes you look like SATURN. In fact, NASA has accidentally planned it's next satellite expedition on you, because you've blocked the view from their earth bound observatories. PLEASE, PLEEEEASE reconsider the 35 hamburgers you are eating per meal!' But no, modern niceties and the desire to please everyone ALL OF THE TIME means we end up having to deal with issues that if we gave people the chance to be more direct on, we'd avoid a lot of problems. Not that is irks me or anything...)
(I really should stop ranting. This is, after all, a blog about Chillies.)
And the best thing of all is, the chillies are starting to sprout forth new, true leaves!
The image above is that of the plants that have made it to the windowsill at work. I have new Photos of them, but sadly because they were taken with the camera phone, they all look rubbish...
Just to recap, there are four plants at work: 1 Ring of Fire (Cayenne), 2 Chocolate Sweet Pepper, and 1 Cherry Pepper.
All seedlings are doing super. I watered them with Chilli Focus the first time around, and will probably do fortnightly until they start needing more regular feeding. I plan on leaving them as they are for the weekend, because the soil on the pots feels moist enough, and the heating gets turned down on the weekend at work. Really excited about these little plants.
On the home side, I finally remembered all the names of the ones in pots (helps that I put lables on the pots. I should put labels on my lecturers as well. Saves me from still not knowing their full names after 7 weeks of term). They are the Rocoto Rojo, Belpicen, Stromboli, Etna, and Esplendor. (I might consider labels if one day Almapaprika and I decide to have a whole slew of little chilli pods of our own...)
The NAGAS are sprouting true leaves!!!
I am really giddy about this. I would love to be able to grow my own Naga Morich chillies, just to see what all the hullaballoo is about. Same goes for the Fataliis (and they are also doing quite well).
All in all I've probably lost about 50% of all seeds planted since January, which is ok, since in retrospect, Almapaprika and I probably have space in the balcony/flat for about 10 at most.
I will try to get photos from the houseplants later on in the weekend.
I've ranted too much today. I need...capsicum!
yes but did you hear that someone at the protest set themselves on fire ala the vietnamese buddhist monk in '63?!