Some folks have started already.
This will not be a heavy season for me (not like last year. I still have bags of chillies drying all around the flat, and jars of chilli related jams in the fridge.), because Almapaprika and I will more than likely be on the move once again, which means I can't have twenty-odd plant pots following me.
With that in mind, I've decided to make the 2011 season a bit more manageable.
I have just finished sowing:
-2x Goats Weed Chillies (c. annuum)
-2x Trinidad Scorpion x Giant White Habanero (c. chinense)
-2x Gold Cayenne (c. annuum)
-2x Lemon Drop (c. baccatum)
-2x Stromboli (c. annuum)
-2x 'Peppermo' peppers (c. chinense? they were an unidentified pepper from a forum pal I even forgot what they look like)
-2x Kumkuats (citrus japonica)
-4x Ring of Fire Cayenne (c. annuum)
-2x Cayenne (c. annuum)
-2x Red Strawberry Guava (psidium littorale)
I'm only growing two types of chinense this year! what gives?!
Oh, I do have two overwintered Fataliis at work, hoping THIS year I might get a pod off them...
As usual I am including the odd 'non-chilli' so that I can have a bit of variety. I guess I'll find out if citrus seeds keep viable for more than a year, since the kumkuat seeds are from 2007 (I really should check my box o'seeds more often.
I also apologise if this year the entries are fewer and further in between, but I'm in the middle of university stuff, which means spare time is a luxury rather than a commodity (though organisational skills are still a necessity of mine). It's also been the reason why I've been away from almost every single forum I belong to. The responsibilities of further education!
Hope you've all had a good holiday season, and let the growing commence!
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