One of those odd things that happens in gardening, I reckon. The Etna and Stromboli chillies (I've been told this is my own unique spelling of the word) have had a number of their leaves become covered in what I can only describe as 'crystals', which seem to be protruding from the leaves themselves.
I have asked in the hot pepper forum, but no answer yet. A quick search through google came up with a possible creation of crystals as a means of certain plants to filter out heavy metals from their water supply.
But I doubt that one.
Although if it is true, then that would mean that one of the water sources I have been using to water the plants has some amount of Peanut butter (OK. Lead. Pb. I can't even make a joke these days...), which is slightly worrisome. I might take one of the leaves to a friend of mine to see if there are traces of HM's in the leaves.
At the advise of some of the members of THP, I have decided to trim the bottom leaves of the Naga Morich and Chocolate Habenero (as well as a few other plants), to help improve the overall growth of the plant and flowers, as well as the circulation of air through them, though I did pick a crummy day to do so, as it is fairly cold.
I've also been told by a couple of them that the leaves are indeed quite large. I took some more photos of the plants now trimmed, and took photos of the largest leaves I could find after I trimmed them.
They are indeed 'Gargantuan'.
All the plants grew something fierce over the weekend (the photos below are from the 5th of June), some stretching as much as two inches!!!
I can only imagine how much more they would have grown had there been real sunshine instead of this typical English summer...
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